Embedded systems

Stuff that runs in an environment with constrained resources. Lots of low–level programming make this category my personal favourite. Learning microcontrollers is also a very fun thing for me, so expect a lot of microcontroller projects here in the future.

STM32 Morse device

Source code repository

Morze Decoder/Encoder

An STM32F103C6T6 microcontroller firmware written in Zig. Inputs letters from USART, outputs a digital signal to, for example, LED or buzzer. Inputs digital signal on, for example, a button, outputs letters to USART. Signal-letter translation conforms to the Morze alphabet.

STM32 Rust examples

Source code repository

A set of projects — examples of how to write an STM32F103C6T6 firmware in Rust. Same stuff as with Zig examples.

STM32 Zig examples

Source code repository

A set of projects — examples of how to write an STM32F103C6T6 firmware in Zig. Every piece of code, including libraries, was written by me, which makes this repository a great place to learn how to do bare metal programming from scratch.